Summer Hill FMA
(Filipino Martial Arts)
Escrima - Arnis - Kali
Summer Hill Martial Arts School
Chinese Medicine Clinic & Martial Arts School
Sydney Self Defence & Personal Protection
Filipino Martial Arts - Escrima, Arnis, Kali in Sydney
Sticks - Empty Hands - Blades
Summer Hill, Inner West
(Sydney, Australia)
Small friendly Martial Arts School,
based in Summer Hill and Ashfield,
Inner West. Sydney NSW.
(Group and Private Lessons)
(Morning, Afternoon, Evening)
武术馆 - 学习武术、自卫 (防身术)、女子防身(防身术)、太極拳、气功
武術道場 - 武道、護身術、女性の護身術、太極拳、気功 を学ぶ
( * Training is conducted Outdoors in Nature with the Elements, in all Weather Conditions * )
"Strength without Love is Violence,
Love without Strength is Powerless & mere Decoration"
Beginners Welcome!
(minimum age: 12 yrs)
'Old School'
Nothing Fancy. Simply, Serious and Effective, Genuine Martial Arts & Self Defence Training, to improve one's Mind, Body & Spirit, for the Benefit of Oneself, Others and Society.
Self Defence - Self Confidence - Self Discipline
Through progressive Hard Training,
even the weakest person
CAN forge an indomitable Spirit!
and their Mind & Body become Strong!
Reality Based Self Defence & Personal Protection to give you a better chance of preventing & avoiding, or surviving the realities of, serious physical violence and assault.
Sydney FMA
Sydney Arnis
Sydney Escrima
Filipino Martial Arts ( Escrima - Arnis - Kali )
Self Defence & Personal Protection
Womens Self Defence
Muay Thai / Kickboxing
Tai Chi & Qi Gong
Defensive Tactics (Security)
Traditional Martial Arts Weapons
Summer Hill is close to Ashfield, Petersham, Lewisham, Croydon, Croydon Park, Marrickville, Ashbury, Dulwhich Hill, Haberfield, Burwood, Stanmore, Leichhardt, Newtown, Redfern, Strathfield, Five Docks, Central Station - Sydney.
Summer Hill: Inner West Train Line, 15 min from CBD (Central Station).
Main Training Locations:
- Summer Hill
- Ashfield
- Prince Alfred Park (central station)
- Mary Ann street Park (UTS, Ultimo TAFE)
Filipino Martial Arts (Escrima, Arnis, Kali) in Sydney
Summer Hill Martial Arts Facebook
( last updated: 08-02-2025 )
Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) - Escrima, Kali, Arnis
Filipino Martials Arts (Escrima, Arnis, Kali) involving Weapons, such as Sticks & Blades, and Empty Hands (Striking, Kicking, Throwing, Locking, Strangling, Ground Fighting, Weapons Defence)
Training also includes elements of Chinese, Indonesian & Japanese Martial Arts
( * Training is conducted Outdoors in Nature with the Elements, in all Weather Conditions * )
Taiji Quan (Tai Chi) & Qi Gong (Chi Kung)
for Health &/or Martial Arts
Full Info at:
Summer Hill Tai Chi School
Taiji Quan (Tai Chi Chuan) & Qigong (Chi Kung)
Tai Chi Empty Hands & Weapons
All aspects of Tai Chi (Taiji Quan) for Health &/or Martial Arts
( * Training is conducted Outdoors in Nature with the Elements, in all Weather Conditions * )
Self Defence & Personal Protection
Women's Self Defence (WSD)
Reality Based Self Defence (RBSD). Expedient Self Defence Courses & on-going Self Defence Training to give you the skills & knowledge needed to have a better chance of surviving a serious assualt, when Awareness, Prevention & Avoidance, or De-escalation, has failed.
12 week courses and/or on-going Training
( * Training is conducted Outdoors in Nature with the Elements, in all Weather Conditions * )
Muay Thai / Kickboxing
Training drawing from Full Contact Karate, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Sanda & Judo.
Striking, Kicking, Throwing & Sweeping.
Both barehand (predominantly) and gloved training.
Training levels & intensity available for all levels, including those only interested in training as a form of general Health, Fitness and Exercise.
- This is not simply "kickboxercise" / 'Muay Thai exercise'
- This is not straight or 'pure' Muay Thai - training involves a lot of un-gloved "bare knuckle" work, and draws from Full Contact Karate, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Sanda & Judo.
- While not straight Self Defence, there is an emphasis correct technique, thus also being able to protect yourself in a 'Fight' - again it's not simply 'kickboxercise', though it can be done solely for exercise & fitness.
- There is contact in drills, conditioning & sparring - controlled & graduated, with the intensity & contact appropriate to your level, health and goals in training, this could be very very light for some - you are in control of the level of contact.
- Training is OUTDOORS, sometimes in low light conditions.
- Training levels & intensity available for all levels, including those only interested in training as a form of general Health & Fitness exercise- all students train with respect to eachothers goals and desired intensity levels in training.
Opportunity to Compete (Full Contact Karate, MMA, Muay Thai & other Full Contact formats) for those interested.
( *** Training is conducted Outdoors in the fresh air & nature, in all weather conditions *** )
Defensive Tactics and Control & Restraint for Security Staff
Defensive Tactics for Security Staff, Ambulance Officers & Paramedics, Nurses, Psychiatric staff, Emergency Services & others needing Control & Restraint and Defensive Skills.
12 week courses and/or on-going Training
While this Class is also open to anyone, unless you are in need of such specific skills, the 'Self Defence' and Women's Self Defence' Classes are likely more suitable.
( * Training is conducted Outdoors in Nature with the Elements, in all Weather Conditions * )
Traditional Martial Arts Weapons
Lessons in Traditional Martial Arts Weapons.
Forms, Techniques & Usage of serveral Okinawan, Japanese, Chinese, & Indonesian Weapons.
Currently Private Lessons Only
For those with a Martial Arts background who may not have weapons in their system and/or want to learn Tradtional Weapons, or different Weapons than contained in their Art. However, experience in other Martial Arts or "empty hand" Martial Arts is not a requirement, Beginners Welcome.
While training is in the traditional context and practical historical application, for example not "tricking", cartwheels & backflips, or staff "twirling", these lessons and skills may also be of interest to those in film & drama, stunt work, or fight choreography.
( * Training is conducted Outdoors in Nature with the Elements, in all Weather Conditions * )
Contact Us
* Training is conducted Outdoors in Nature with the Elements, in all Weather Conditions, often in low light *